Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The reason why I started this blog:

The main reason is simple, to help people gain confidence. Besides that however, are other reasons, tantamount to being a confident person, and those would be, to help out those in the audience to have an enjoyable time listening to a lecture, speech, or a comedy sketch. The last reason would is that I believe that the public as a whole is filling the pockets of the dry cleaners and shirt manufactures to the point of over flowing because of our nervous dirty little yellow stains in the under arm region, also commonly referred to as tacos. This goes for all the rich people in the antiperspirant world as well. If we were not so nervous when we got up to speak, we would not perspire as much as we do. Confident people don't tend to sweat as much or get wet palms, because they believe in what they are speaking or lecturing about, but more so than that, they believe in themselves, as effective presenters, speakers, and lecturers.
So all said and done, it is your inner confidence that allows you to be the most effective, confident speaker/person you can be.
That is enough for today.
Later, I will dive into the dynamics of public speaking, and tear it apart till it cries, or at least until you stop crying every time you hear you have to give a speech or lecture to the public.

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